摘要: |
对于行为发生在刑法修正之前而刑法修正案施行之后仍在审理之中的案件,直接根据从旧兼从轻原则适用修正之后新罪名的现有解决方案缺乏必要的分析和充分的论证。从旧兼从轻原则中新旧刑法处刑轻重的比较是以行为在刑法修正之后经各犯罪构成之间不同竞合形态考量后的行为定性与刑法修正之前的行为定性之间所进行的相关法定刑对比。新法中《刑法修正案(十一)》增设的侵害英雄烈士名誉、荣誉罪与寻衅滋事罪的犯罪构成之间不是相互包容的法条竞合关系而是部分交叉关系,因此最高检第136号指导性案例中仇某的行为在刑法修正之后分别符合了寻衅滋事罪和新增设的侵害英雄烈士名誉、荣誉罪,由于一行为触犯数罪名符合想象竞合的构成,依照从一重罪处断原则在刑法修正之后仇某的行为应以寻衅滋事罪定罪处罚。此结论与刑法修正之前仇某涉嫌构成的寻衅滋事罪并无二致,因此不能根据从旧兼从轻原则以侵害英雄烈士名誉、荣誉罪对仇某的行为进行定罪处罚。 |
关键词: 溯及力 从旧兼从轻 法条竞合 想象竞合 从一重处断 |
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基金项目:国家社会科学基金一般项目“司法适用中的犯罪构成问题研究”(项目编号: 23BFX128) |
Normative Concurrence or Ideal Concurrence?— Taking the Issue of Retroactivity in the Guiding Case No.136 of the Supreme People's Procuratorate |
Wang Chong & Yang Zhao
Abstract: |
For the cases where the offence occurred before the implementation of the amendment to the Criminal Law but is still under trial after its implementation, based on the principle of favoring the older law and the lighter penalty, the existing solution directly applying the new crime lacks necessary analysis and sufficient argumentation. Under the principle of favoring the older law and the lighter penalty, the comparison of statutory sentence is namely based on the offence considered by various criminal constitutions and diverse concurrence forms in different situations where the amendment becomes effective or not. The connection of criminal constitutions between the crime of picking quarrels and provoking troubles and infringing on the reputation and honor of heroes and martyrs, which is newly added to the Criminal Law Amendment (XI), is not a mutually inclusive normative concurrence, but a partial intersection. Therefore, in the No.136 guiding case of Supreme People's Procuratorate, Qiu's offence after the implementation of the amendment met both of the two criminal constitutions. Since an offence that violates multiple charges meets the requirements of imaginative concurrence, and should be sentenced according to the most serious crime, Qiu's offence should be convicted and punished as a crime of the crime of picking quarrels and provoking troubles. There is no difference between the judgment results of the crime of picking quarrels and provoking troubles whether Qiu's offence occurred before the amendment or not. Therefore, Qiu cannot be convicted or punished for the crime of infringing on the reputation and honor of heroes and martyrs under the principle of favoring the older law and the lighter penalty. |
Key words: Retroactivity, Principle of Favoring the Older Law and the Lighter Penalty, Normative Concurrence, Ideal Concurrence, Penalize with a Heavier Crime |