摘要: |
物权类型封闭原则起源于潘德克顿法学,其本意只是限制私法自治,并无限制物权法律渊源的意图。东亚地区的物权法定原则是物权类型封闭原则的亚类型,即在物权类型封闭原则的基础上,附加限制了物权法律渊源。物权类型封闭原则的形式合理性在于对物债二分体系的维护,其实质合理性则主要在于保障财物的可流通性与交易安全,同时也发挥着公共政策功能。虽然在公示制度逐渐完善的情况下,物权类型封闭的交易安全保障功能已经减弱,但其在体系维护和公共政策方面仍然发挥着无可替代的功能。已经实行物权类型封闭原则的国家并无改采物权自由创设的必要,同时物权自由创设本身包含的制度风险也削弱了其可行性。我国的民法体系、登记制度现状以及特殊国情决定了未来民法典应当维持物权法定原则,但物权法律渊源应当与民法法律渊源保持一致。立法机关应当对物权法定原则的规范表达进行完善,并对相关制度做出妥善安排。 |
关键词: 物权法定 物权类型封闭 物权自由创设 私法自治 限制物权 |
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The Theoretical Reflection and Institutional Revision of the Numerus Clausus Principle |
Huang Longyi
Abstract: |
The numerus clausus principle originated in Pandekten jurisprudence, which intends to restrict private autonomy and has no intention to limit the legal sources of property rights. The numerus clausus principle in East Asia is a subtype of the numerus clausus principle, which not only restricts private autonomy in property laws but also appends a restriction on the legal sources of property rights. The formal rationality of the numerus clausus principle is to maintain the separation between obligation laws and property laws. The substantive rationality of the principle is that it protects the propertys alienability and transaction security. Moreover, it ensures the realization of some public policies. Even though with the gradual improvement of the registration system, the function of the numerus clausus principle to protect transaction security has been weakened, it plays an irreplaceable role in maintaining the Pandekten civil law system and ensuring the realization of some public policies. As for a country that has adopted the numerus clausus principle, it is unnecessary to change to numerus apertus. |
Key words: Numerus Clausus, Numerus Clausus, Numerus Apertus, Autonomy of Private Law, Limited Property Rights |