摘要: |
医疗损害鉴定在公信力、中立性与权威性等方面的不足导致公众对其不信任,影响医疗纠纷解决的效果。调研发现,经过医疗损害鉴定的案件之重新鉴定比率高,针对鉴定意见的上诉率高于一般案件,鉴定的投诉信访量大,患方对鉴定工作的配合度低。问题的成因除医疗损害鉴定自身的局限性以外,还包括医疗损害鉴定信息的不对称性,医学会垄断医疗损害鉴定的局面,鉴定主体专业性与中立性失衡,鉴定机构及专家的选任程序存有异议。可能的进路在于改造医疗损害鉴定的主体机制,规范鉴定机构及专家的选任程序,适度实现异地鉴定,将专家辅助人制度改造为患者与鉴定人沟通的桥梁,探索鉴定人出庭作证的新手段,加强医疗损害鉴定信息对称性,合理把握启动重新鉴定的条件。 |
关键词: 医疗损害鉴定 医疗纠纷 医疗损害鉴定一元化 |
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Trust Crisis in Medical Expert Opinions: Reviewing the Uni Model in Shanghai |
Chen Bangda
Abstract: |
Due to its lack of credibility, neutrality and authority, the trust crisis existing in the Chinese forensic medical system is harmful to the effect of medical dispute resolution. The phenomenon of trust crisis is as follows: the high rate of multiple test and appeals, the large number of complains and petitions against forensic opinion, patients reluctance to seek for service from the Medical Society and the negative public opinion of forensic medicine. The reasons have multiple aspects: apart from the limitations of forensic medicine, the information asymmetry, the dominance of the Medical Society in the identification process, the unbalance between specialty and neutrality, and the controversial process of appointing an expert or a forensic institution all lead to the problem. Solutions to the problem of the trust crisis are multiple. We should remain the reform of the forensic medical system, regulate the appointment process of experts and forensic institutions, establish the mechanism of challenge, use the expert assistance system to accelerate the communication between patients and forensic experts, design new methods for experts to testify in court, strengthen the information disclosure, and clarify the circumstances of re identification. |
Key words: Forensic Medical System, Medical Dispute, Unified Forensic Medical System |