摘要: |
英美信托的“双重所有权”安排与大陆法系物权法原则的冲突无法通过解释消减。大陆法系国家在引入信托时的各种模式都试图在保留英美信托信托财产管理和收益分离的灵活性的同时,防止因信托的引入而导致本国法律的“分裂”。中国信托法规定信托财产权属既可以转移给受托人,也可以不转移给受托人,不明确界定受益人对信托财产权利的性质,强调信托财产的独立性,同时对委托人、受托人、受益人的权利义务做具体的规定,从比较法上看,与《关于信托的法律适用及其承认的海牙公约》的规定“不约而同”。但是,无论是“委托人”还是“受托人”的所有权恐怕都不能经受大陆法系所有权完整性和不可分性的检验。我国民法典可以参考国外立法,对信托财产所有权作概念层次的特别规定,从而为信托单行法(尤其是信托财产关系)的解释和实施留出空间,避免单行法下的信托游离于整个法律体系之外。 |
关键词: 信托财产关系 物权法基本原则 信托财产 所有权的民法典表述 |
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The Conflicts between Trust Property and Property Law: A Proper Expression of Trust Relations in the Context of Civil Code |
Lou Jianbo
Abstract: |
With the coming of a data driven society, data has become the fundamental resource of society. However, data has always been considered to be in the public domain and hinder the data rights, which has puzzled the establishment of the order of data resource utilization. In this paper, it is argued that data, a digital record describing an object, is produced by a human being or by a machine other than is a natural existence. Data production (data collection), dataset creation (data assembling process) and data analysis (including AI) constitute the three processes for the realization of the datas value. The first two behaviors are called data production, and the theory of data production is put forward. The data production theory differentiates data production from data analysis. It holds that the subject of raw data production is the raw material's analyst. Therefore, the value should to be recognized and appropriate rights should be allocated to them to meet the production of datasets for various analytical purposes. At the same time, data production is also different from the data's origin, which implies that when the data's origin relates to a person, it does not mean the person produces that data. A person is a data producer only when he or she provides or creates data. This theory aims to provide a legal foundation for the right allocation for data usage as a resource. The legal order of data usage is constructed through the right allocation between the raw data producer, the dataset creator and the data analyst. |
Key words: Property Relationships in Trust, Doctrines of Rights in Rem Law, the Civil Law Code Recognition of Trust Property Ownership |