摘要: |
"数据隐私问题"泛指由公共和商业机构处理个人信息的实践而引发的各类政治、经济、法律和伦理问题。法学界对数据隐私问题的关注仍聚焦于如何建构"个人信息权"这一教义学议题,但互联网经济和数据技术的飞速发展,已使数据隐私问题在个体权益、企业竞争和生产关系三个维度上全面展开。鉴于个体权利建构议题本身有限的智识和实用价值,法学界应尽快转向思考与数据合约监管、数据风险管理、数据资源交易和数据劳务定价等相关的机制设计问题,方能为人类社会寻求回应数据隐私挑战的努力做出有意义的贡献。 |
关键词: 数据隐私问题 个人信息 竞争 生产关系 机制设计 |
DOI: |
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基金项目:国家社会科学基金一般项目(16BFX015); 中央高校基本科研业务费资助; |
Dimensional Expansion and Topical Shift for Data Privacy Problems: A Law and Economics Perspective |
Dai Xin
Abstract: |
“Data privacy problems” encompass a wide range of political, economic, legal and ethical problems resulting from public agencies and commercial entities processing of personal data. Legal scholars have long focused their deliberation on the formalistic question of how to formulate and enshrine a right to personal information through legislation. In reality, however, rapid developments in market practices and technologies have already moved the data privacy problems beyond such formalistic concerns and witnessed complex problems unfolded in the dimensions of individual interests, market competition, and relations of production. Against such general backdrop, legal scholars must pay more attention to mechanism design questions in relation to regulating data related contractual arrangements, managing data risks, enabling data exchange and trading, and pricing data labor. That way legal studies may meaningfully contribute to the human societys overall response to the data privacy challenges. |
Key words: Data Privacy Problems, Personal Information, Competition, Mechanism Design |